From the recording Love for Connoisseurs

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With Miles Black, Jodi Proznick, Joel Fountain, Dave Say


The summer potluck spread looked mighty good
Set up by the churchyard, near the woods
I plunked down on a hay bale to hungrily wait
When a cheerful fellow bounded up with a plate!

Slender and tender and buttery
Hot, juicy, fresh and summery
He brought me a scrumptious corn cob
On that fateful day

Sweet, and smart, and mellow
I can’t think of one nicer fellow
Who would bring me my very fav’rite
Summer vegetable

He saw me there waitin’
Sitting on the hay by the hall

The ice cream was thawin’
But there we sat a’ gnawin’,
I think I heard true - love call!

He knew it was fresh and he knew it was hot
He knew I was hungry and knew what I thought
I saw his sweet gaze, I knew I was caught
And all because of... corn?

From that corny little gift of corn
From that thoughtful little thrift of corn
From the lift from the gift of corn
Corn on the cob!

Oh how his laugh made my heart sing
Quirkier guys seem to be my thing
He joked, “If it gets more hot out
All that corn might pop!”

His eyes told me that he was so sincere
And then when he winked, I grinned ear-to-ear
I can’t say that I have ever
Met a guy like him.

His hair was like corn silk
His skin was like milk
He’d lathered on his sunscreen quite thick!
Husked, and husky
I felt rather lucky
To be there at the picnic

He knew it was fresh and he knew it was hot
He knew I was hungry, he knew what I thought
I found I was skewered
I guess I was caught
All by a cob of corn?

From that nifty little gift of corn
From the thrifty thoughtful gift of corn
From the summer day he brought me corn
Corn on the cob!

Aw shucks!