From the recording Love for Connoisseurs

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With Miles Black, Jodi Proznick, Joel Fountain, Dave Say


This is Manhattan
Dodging the people
Making our way through the square

This is Manhattan
Everyone rushing
Never a moment to spare

In Washington Square
You told me you care
Wind in your hair
The crowd unaware

Dazed, it seems I slowed
You pulled me ever so close
How is it me that you chose
In this wide world we're in?

In Washington Square
I told you I care
Walking on air
The crowd unaware

Thrilled, my heart ablaze
I looked up
You held my gaze
The crowd went on its way

This is Manhattan
Millions of people
Finding you feels like a dream

In Washington Square
You told me you care
Wind in our hair
The crowd unaware

Dazed, it seems I slowed
You pulled me ever so close
How is it me that you chose
In this wide world we're in?

In Washington Square
I told you I care
Walking on air
The crowd unaware

Thrilled, my heart ablaze
I looked up
You held my gaze
The crowd went on its way

This is Manhattan
Crowded with people
Yet only one love for me

We're lost in a dream!
Just one love for me
It feels like a dream!

This Manhattan love