Her art is her own, and she offers rare pleasures. She understands the song, not only as notes and syllables on paper, but also the heart-messages it sends us. She conveys tenderness, thoughtfulness, wit, and ardor: emotions and perceptions aimed right at us through her very human voice”

— JazzLives

Previous events

7月10日 週三 | Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調 台北藍調 第二週三特演 Andy Ferris Quartet ft. Angela Verbrugge | Every 2nd Wed 0710 每月的第二個週三夜晚,來自加拿大、演出經歷豐富的吉他名家安迪費里斯,特邀加拿大歌手Angela Verbrugge一同與樂壇摯友演出精彩的爵士曲目。時間和地點 2024年7月10日 下午9:00 – 下午11:00 [GMT+8] Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調, 10647台湾台北市大安區羅斯福路三段171號4F 賓客

  • 1 位其他賓客 關於本活動

NT$500 入場費含一份選定飲料 精選紅白葡萄酒單支開瓶 可抵兩位入場費 晚間九點開演 八點入場 Starts: 9pm Open: 8pm Live Music Charge w/1 selected drink. Live Music Charge for 2 ppl cover one bottle wine. *本店僅收現金 Cash Only*

台北藍調 第二週三特演 Andy Ferris Quartet ft. Angela Verbrugge | Every 2nd Wed 0710 7月10日 週三 | Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調 台北藍調 第二週三特演 Andy Ferris Quartet ft. Angela Verbrugge | Every 2nd Wed 0710 每月的第二個週三夜晚,來自加拿大、演出經歷豐富的吉他名家安迪費里斯,特邀加拿大歌手Angela Verbrugge一同與樂壇摯友演出精彩的爵士曲目。Led by fabulous guitarist Andy Ferris, along with a great vocalist from Canada, Angela Verbrugge. 回覆出席 時間和地點 2024年7月10日 下午9:00 – 下午11:00 [GMT+8] Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調, 10647台湾台北市大安區羅斯福路三段171號4F 賓客

  • 1 位其他賓客 關於本活動

NT$500 入場費含一份選定飲料 精選紅白葡萄酒單支開瓶 可抵兩位入場費 晚間九點開演 八點入場 Starts: 9pm Open: 8pm Live Music Charge w/1 selected drink. Live Music Charge for 2 ppl cover one bottle wine. *本店僅收現金 Cash Only* 週一至週四 入場費單點紅白葡萄酒 買一送一 BOGO on House Wine from Mon. to Thur. Entrance Fee Included. [ 安迪費里斯 Andy Ferris | Guitar ] 來自加拿大溫哥華 擁有25年的演奏經歷 曾經和Kenny Werner,Dee Daniels,Kurt Elling同台演出。事師加拿大指標性爵士音樂家Brad Turner 和 Bill Coon爵士表演及作曲 目前以活躍走跳於台北爵士音樂現場。Originally from Vancouver, Canada, guitarist Andy Ferris has been playing and performing for over 25 years. He has shared the stage with jazz artists Kenny Werner and Kurt Elling, and studied jazz performance and composition with Canadian jazz icons Brad Turner and Bill Coon. More recently he studied an MA in Jazz Performance at the University of North Texas. He is currently active as a performing musician leading and playing in several projects in the Taipei area. [ Angela Verbrugge | Vocal ] With original Canadian music that combines bebop, vintage movie musicals, and the Great American songbook, jazz vocalist, lyricist and composer Angela Verbrugge has emerged as one of Canada’s busiest performers. She was nominated for Jazz Artist of the Year at the 2024 Western Canadian Music Awards. Since winning the JazzTimes’ Magazine poll for Best Female Vocalist in 2020, the charismatic vocalist has toured top jazz venues in Japan, the UK, Germany, Luxembourg and Turkey. She released her debut album, recorded in NYC in 2019, and followed it with an all-original project in 2022. Angela's third album, Somewhere, was released May 2024 on Origin Records (Seattle, USA). Both Angela’s albums were included in LA Jazz Journal/Downbeat critic Scott Yanow’s top albums of the year list, and he predicts that her songs may become standards in the future. [ Damian Garcia | Piano ] Damian A. Garcia is a professional musician from Austin, TX, currently living in Taipei, Taiwan. His interest in piano began at the age of five. He later attended the Stanford University Jazz Residency, the University of North Texas Jazz Workshop, the prestigious Berklee College of Music in Boston, and was awarded the Piano Achievement Award by the Texas State University School of Music. Damian is a graduate of the world-renowned University of North Texas jazz studies program where he studied piano with Stefan Karlsson, Michael Palma, and Dan Hearle. Damian is an active performer, and is credited on dozens of studio recordings. He has also performed alongside many great musicians including Paquito d’Rivera, Claudio Roditi, Wayne Bergeron, Frank Wess, Butch Miles, Bob Mintzer, John Fedchock, Taylor Eigsti, Jamey Aebersold, Andre Hayward, Tom Brechtlein, and many others. Most recently, his music has taken him to Japan, having performed several times among some of the best musicians in Tokyo. Damian is an alumnus of the University of North Texas Two O’Clock Lab Band and Jazz Singers. [ 劉育嘉 Yu Jia Liu | Bass ] 2013年參與電影『夢糖工廠』拍攝及配樂錄製。2014年與『In Tap』和『小節慶爵士樂團』於水源劇場展演、並首次發表個人創作『Sleep Devoted』。 2015年於兩廳院爵士音樂營-研習營開始擔任教師一職。 2015年參與Elin Lee (李宜玲)首發專輯『Breathing』台灣巡迴演出。 2106年隨『爵士之門』樂團榮獲台北爵士樂壇新秀比賽第一名。 2018年參與『揮灑烈愛』多媒體跨界音樂劇,於國家音樂廳演出。 2018年與德裔鋼琴家Julian Moreen共同策劃『原創音樂巡迴演出計畫』並擔任台灣及亞洲地區總策劃,並以Julian Moreen為首組成Julian MoreenQuartet。 2019年參與『瘋戲樂』年度大戲《台灣有個好萊塢》擔任樂手一職。 2019年隨Julian Moreen Quartet受邀於台中爵士音樂節演出、並策劃2019台灣地區交流與展演。 致力於音樂演出、教育、以及推廣、演出足跡遍及台灣、馬來西亞、新加坡、德國…等等不同國家。擅長與多元類型團體合作,參與原創發表、電影配樂錄製、專輯錄製、舞蹈、音樂劇、現代劇場...等跨界藝術發表。 [ 林俊宏 Jeffrey Lin | Drums ] 16歲開始學習爵士鼓,2008年參加台北國際爵士音樂營後,便一頭栽入爵士樂的學習與演出。演奏風格上受Philly Joe Jones, Elvin Jones等影響,曾師事於Quincy Davis,2009年進入陸軍樂隊服役,退伍後開始出沒於台北的各大Live House如Blue Note、雅痞書店、Sappho、露西亞等地方。曾參與隱分子樂團演出及EP錄製、李芳旭三重奏於臺北爵士音樂節及台中爵士音樂節演出以及9m88 "樂人"頻道的錄製與2017冬季巡迴鼓手。 如遇不可抗拒因素而替換演出樂手 恕不另行公告之 歡迎光臨台北藍調 歡迎同樂爵士 Welcome to Blue Note Taipei. Welcome to the Jazz World.



This bookstore has been transformed into a restaurant, and literature/ salon. Visiting Canadian Angela Verbrugge and locally-based guitarist Andy Ferris will join Taiwanese musicians for a cross-cultural jazz conversation through music. Excellent interior art deco, great service and food, this a nice gathering place for a date or meeting with friends. +886 2 2731 7477 yuppybook@gmail.com


Angela Verbrugge

 — (PDT, UTC-07) — (PDT, UTC-07)

Mary’s Bleue Moon Café, 9535 Canora Rd,, Sidney, BC

Join Tony Genge and Angela Verbrugge for an evening of vocal jazz in the welcoming unpretentious environment of Mary's Bleue Moon Cafe on the road adjacent to the Victoria International Airport. The same owners as the Oaks in Oak Bay have a menu with fish n chips, burgers, salads, beers on tap etc. that is NOT overpriced, in an environment with vintage airplane decor.

Mother’s Day Jazz Brunch Downtown Victoria

 — (PDT, UTC-07) — (PDT, UTC-07)

The Hallway, 1724 Douglas across from the Market, Victoria, BC

Jazz brunch for Mother's Day - Angela Verbrugge and Ashley Wey

The Hallway presents the first annual Mother's Day Jazz Brunch - Delicious Brunch/Cocktails while you enjoy vocal jazz and soft piano music

Bring your mother out on the town for a jazz brunch! Come see what all the fuss is about - 4.5 star rating on Google - The Hallway, located downtown Victoria on Douglas between Herald and Fisgard across from the Victoria Public Market at the Hudson. Park nearby for free on Sundays at the nearby Centennial Square Parkade. Hear the sweet voice of world-touring jazz singer Angela Verbrugge (11K/monthly listeners on Spotify) bringing to life old favourties from the Great American Songbook with tasteful accompaniment from jazz pianist Dr Tony Genge. It will be an elegant affair for you and Mom this Mother's Day. Seatings 11am or 1pm Please see FAQ for more info on the menu, parking, music and special requests. Food menu https://thehallwayvictoria.com/menu# Bar menu https://thehallwayvictoria.com/bar

What is included? The cover charge is for the music only, and is non-refundable. It holds your spot and goes directly to the musicians to compensate them for their time sharing Mother's Day jazz with you. What is the cost of the food? Menu prices vary, but most brunch entrees are in the $15-25 range. Many food and beverage selections are available. A few screenshots from the menu are below as samples.

Seatings at 11am and 1pm

Reservations by Eventbrite

Questions/table requests +17782658988


Line up Angela Verbrugges Vocal, Lead Stef Keys : Piano Jean Paul Artero: Contrebasse Bernard Cesari : Batterie

Vendredi 19 Avril 2024 ANGELA VERBRUGGES & Da House Trio En 2020, Angela Verbrugge a remporté le prix de la meilleure chanteuse dans le prestigieux sondage des lecteurs du magazine JazzTimes (le sondage comprenait des finalistes, dont Diana Krall, Cecile McLoren Salvant et Veronica Swift).

Écoutez ses paroles originales sur "This is Manhattan", une histoire d’amour qui se déroule dans une foule à New York alors que le monde s’effondre lorsque le couple révèle ses sentiments l’un pour l’autre, ou écoutez sa performance de l’ambassade du Canada à Tokyo. "Angela Verbrugge en donne aux chanteurs comme Lorraine Feather pour leur argent avec ses paroles pleines d’esprit sur ses compositions qui sont mélées avec quelques reprises intelligentes. Elle est amusante et excentrique sur son bopping « I’m Running Late » et se balance habilement sur un groove latin « How Did I Know This Was The End? » alors que son « You’re Almost Perfect » est à la fois branché et amusant. Elle est vaporeuse et romantique sur sa mélodie-titre, elle glisse pour un timide « Love Walked In » et suinte sur « All Too Soon » de Duke Ellington tout en mettant une rose entre ses dents et en faisant une danse de table sur le sauntering « Si Tu Pudieras Quererme ». Dans les Archie Comics of life, cette dame est une Betty pétillante.

"No maybes; pour Verbrugge, c’est le moment", JazzTimes Magazine , Andrew Gilbert sur Love for Connoisseurs, mai 2022

Tarifs : Général 22€ , Réduit 20€, Abonnés 18€

Le Cercle Suedois Paris France presente Angela Verbrugge, Franck Amsallem, Etienne Renard and Karl Jannuska

 — (CEST, UTC+02) — (CEST, UTC+02)

Le Cercle Suedois, 242, RUE DE RIVOLI, PARIS 75 001

Angela Verbrugge - chanteuse Franck Amsallem - piano Etienne Renard - contrabass Karl Jannuska - batterie

Rivoli Mercredi Jazz Tous les mercredis soirs nous proposons à nos membres et à leurs invités un concert de jazz, que vous pourrez apprécier en dégustant notre menu Spécial Mercredi Jazz, ou juste en prenant un verre. Ne ratez pas l’ambiance exceptionnelle de ces soirées où la musique live s’exprime pleinement grâce à une programmation pointue dans un cadre d’exception. Voir la programmation pour les dates (hors été et Noël), de 19h00 à 23h00 (concert de 20h00 à 22h30) – Gratuit pour les membres du Cercle Suédois, 18€ pour leurs invités – Plat à partir de 20 € – Verre de vin à partir de 6 €. Il est plus prudent de réserver si vous voulez une table dans le Grand Salon où se joue le concert : 01 42 60 76 67 / direction(a)cercle-suedois.com.



See you at JazzAhead!

 — (CEST, UTC+02) — (CEST, UTC+02)

Bremen, Germany

Meeting requests through Judith Humenick Productions or leave a message for me at the USA booth.

Past Events

Concerts and Engagements at:
London's Pizza Express Live Soho, Embassy of Canada Tokyo, six city tour of Japan, BFlat Jazz Club Berlin, Jazzbar Vogler, Cotton Club Hamburg, Nardis Jazz Club Istanbul, Badau Jazz Club Istanbul, Frankie’s Jazz Club Vancouver, the Rex Hotel and Jazz Club Toronto, Hermann's Jazz Club Victoria, Yardbird Suite Edmonton, Alvin's Jazz Club Calgary, Asylym for Art Calgary, GigSpace Ottawa, the Emmet Ray Toronto. 

Festivals: Since the launch of my concert-giving career in 2019 with the first album release, I have headlined at the Victoria International Jazz Festival, the Fort Langley Jazz and Arts Festival, Vancouver International Film Festival. I have children so haven’t been available in the summer until recently. 

Entertainment gigs at countless venues such as:
The Vancouver Club, the Hotel Grand Pacific Victoria, the Pan Pacific Hotel, the Sylvia Hotel, the Four Seasons Vancouver, Vancouver Fashion Week, Vancouver Yacht Club.  Jazz concert and dance events for the Japanese Heritage Society, UBC, Everybody Dance Ballroom.

Fundraiser/gala/corporate clients include: Rolls Royce, Atira Women’s Resource Centre, Tonari Gumi, Inspire Health, Help Portrait, Union Mission Gospel, Ivey Business School, Tesla, various law firms such as BLG LLP, UBC Properties Trust, and Wesbrook Village Marketing Association.